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Green Shield

Awarded for outstanding contribution of a Non-playing member

Green Shield

Steve and Kerrie Green recognised the need for an award to acknowledge the hard work of non-playing members around the Club and donated this shield in 1995.
Steve joined the Club in 1991, having previously played in the UK. His wife Kerrie (nee Armstrong) was a member of the first Women’s team under the “Redbacks” banner in 1986.

1995 Maxine and Peter Marks
1996 Jan Barlow
1997 Ray Boast and Bill Gray
1998 Maureen Austin
1999 Mary Conheady
2000 Clem Conheady
2001 John Barlow
2002 Clem Conheady
2003 Sally Blaber
2004 Maureen Austin
2005 Janine Halls
2006 Clem Conheady
2007 Mary Conheady
2008 Brett and Deb Marchant
2009 G. and M. Lee
2010 Kerryn Beinke
2011 Ann Butler
2012 Bruce Freeman
2013 Martin Collis
2014 Allison Pennell
2015 David Ratje
2016 Maree and Rob Brown
2017 Karen Heinekam and Mardi Swann
2018 Mardi Swann
2019 David Ratje
2020 NA
2021 NA
2022 Rob Brown

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