Larry Whiting
President 1992 - 1993
Some issues that come to mind, in addition to my personal lacrosse resume that you may find of some use:
• 1970 trip to Burnside – Roy Freeman nickname “LUNA” ( as in Luna Park) for continued turning of the head to check on players such as Dodger to see what they were doing. What was the Melbourne Uni newsletter he was reading that was, I understand, only suitable for adults and obtained under the counter not for young boys to see. This was 1970!
• Moving to the upper ground (19??) after the football club disband providing Chadstone and Lacrosse one of the best grounds in Victoria.
• Move away from CR&CC giving the club its’ own identity.
• Appearance in 3 State League Grand Finals.
• Peter Gould (drunken) comment after defeating Williamstown in the 1969 prelim. Final – Nothing left to play for – we’ve beaten Williamstown and we are in a Grand Final. Obviously 2 important issues for Peter. However we did manage sober him up for Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday training to go on and win the to play for and win the flag.
• The disappointment of the Brent (Flush) Matthews injury in the dieing seconds of the 1969 Grand Final and Brent missing out on celebrations.
• Under 19 – the fun of the few years of this competition.
Bill, if you require more detail please call and if I think of any more I will contact you.
I hope this helps.