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1987 U13.jpg
Carole Staley, Dick Morgan, Ian Whitbourn, Scott Kelly, Scott Clark, Martin Veela, Grant Charles, Sortiris Alexandrou, Lee Gray, Matthew Stephenson, Danny Whitbourn, Andrew Whitbourn, , Nick Krikellis, Mark Staley

1987 State League Men1.jpg
Bruce Morgan Freeman, Ross freeman, Rob Bakes, Dick , Mark Hodkin, Matt Gleeson, Cheryl Gray, Ashley Andrews, Neil Clark, Denis Trainor, Alan Gandy, Graeme Bedggood, Tony Loulatizis, Gordon Purdie

1987 B Grade Women.jpg
Ian Whitbourn, Kerry Green, Pauline McManus, John Mathwin, Jenny Morton, Julia McIntyre, Judy U'ren, Sandi Purdie

1987 International Mark Hodkin.jpg
Mark Hodkin

1987 International George Corrigan.jpg
George Corrigan

1987 ALC championship cover.jpg

1987 Grand Final crowd.jpg
Andrew Whitbourn, members of the Women's team

1987 VLA Annual Report page 1.jpg
page1 of detail account of Grand Final between Chadstone 16 and Malvern 17

1987 Annual report page 2.jpg
pages 2-3 of detail account of Grand Final between Chadstone 16 and Malvern 17

1987 Annual report page 3.jpg
pages 4-5 of detail account of Grand Final between Chadstone 16 and Malvern 17

1987 VLA Annual report page 4.jpg
pages 6 of detail account of Grand Final between Chadstone 16 and Malvern 17

1987 Mark Hodkin.jpg
Mrak Hodkin, Daryl Bourchier, Joy Rosio, Andy, Whitbourn, Tim Whitbourn, Tim Whitbourn, Danny Whitbourn

1987 march newletter page 1.jpg

1987 March newsletter page 2.jpg
Denni s trainor, Alan Gandy, Dick Morgan, Cheryl Gray, Ron Crystal, Steve Cook, Bruce Kerr, Wally Delaland, John Mathwin, Ian Thacker, Bill Gray, Ian Whitbourn, Neil Clough, Graeme Bedggood, Matt Gleeson, Trevor U'ren, Paul Currie, Roy Freeman, Mark Hodkin, George Corrigan

1987 Ladder 8 August.jpg
Rob Bakes, Ashley Andrews, Graeme Bedggood, George Corrigan, Tony Loulatzis, Trevpr U'ren

1987 GT Corrigan.jpg

1987 Grand Final Brochure Cover.jpg

1987 Grand Final brochure lineup.jpg
Division 1 Chadstone vs Footscray
Paul Currie, Ron Lowe, Mark Frankland, Steve Cook, John Mathwin, Nick Skewes, Gerald March, Bruce Kerr, Col Dean, Mick Keeley, Daryl Bourchier, M. Sinclair, Suthy Theoun
Paul Currie, Ron Lowe, Mark Frankland, Steve Cook, John Mathwin, Nick Skewes, Gerald March, Bruce Kerr, Col Dean, Mick Keeley, Daryl Bourchier, M. Sinclair, Suthy Theoun

1987 Chadstone Men.jpg
Chadstone Burnside game
Bruce Freeman, Athol Freeman, Tony Lolatsis, Greg Sheehan, Col Dean, Matt Gleeson, Ross Freeman, Rob Bakes, Mick Keeley, Steve Cook, George Corrigan, Blair Freeman, Ian Thacker, Tim Purdie, Trevor U'ren, Neil Clark, John Mathwin, Graeme Bedggood, Ron Lowe, Dennis Trainor, Nick Skewes
Bruce Freeman, Athol Freeman, Tony Lolatsis, Greg Sheehan, Col Dean, Matt Gleeson, Ross Freeman, Rob Bakes, Mick Keeley, Steve Cook, George Corrigan, Blair Freeman, Ian Thacker, Tim Purdie, Trevor U'ren, Neil Clark, John Mathwin, Graeme Bedggood, Ron Lowe, Dennis Trainor, Nick Skewes

1987 Chadstone Women.jpg
Chadstone Burnside game
Linda Roylance, Vanessa Thornton, Heather Bassett, Sandi Purdie, John Mathwin, Sue Gandi, Leanne Trainor, Jenny Morton, Ian Thacker, Celia Taylor, Helen Marshall, Leogh Armstrong, Pauline McManus, Kerry Armstrong
Linda Roylance, Vanessa Thornton, Heather Bassett, Sandi Purdie, John Mathwin, Sue Gandi, Leanne Trainor, Jenny Morton, Ian Thacker, Celia Taylor, Helen Marshall, Leogh Armstrong, Pauline McManus, Kerry Armstrong

1987 Chadstone and Burnside Masters.jpg
Chadstone Burnside game
Malcolm Muxlow, Neil Clough, Ian Thacker, Steve Dawson, John Nolan, Bill Gray, Dave Morgan, Jon Claridge, Chris Raines, Brian Peak, Grant Hodder, Wally Delaland, Ian Whitbourn, Grant Reid, neil Clark, Mick Gould, Larry Whiting, Richard Hammet
Malcolm Muxlow, Neil Clough, Ian Thacker, Steve Dawson, John Nolan, Bill Gray, Dave Morgan, Jon Claridge, Chris Raines, Brian Peak, Grant Hodder, Wally Delaland, Ian Whitbourn, Grant Reid, neil Clark, Mick Gould, Larry Whiting, Richard Hammet

1987 Burnside Chadstone Masters CUP Wally DelaLand.jpg
Burnside B&F Chadstone Best and Fairest Chadstone Wally de laland

1987 newspaper M'beena wins Sof-crosse.jpg
Kristian Kolb, Lee phelan, David Evenhuis, Andrew Whitbourn, Scott Gray, Jim Wyatt. D, Nimmervoll, T. Wilson, R. Whil, T. Allen, N. Arigiou, B. McInnes, Bill Gray

1987 newspaper M'beena wins sof-crosse comp.jpg

1987 newspaper August 26.jpg
Mark Hodkin, Graeme Bedggood, Athol Freeman, George Corrigan, Gordon Purdie, Caffery, Nick Skewes, Steve Cook, Suthy Theoun, Bruce Kerr, Paul Currie, Ron Lowe, John mathwin, Karuse, Trevor U'ren, Tanner, Wally Delaland
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