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Vaille Cup first presented in 1970. John Vaille was neither a player nor a parent at this early stage of our history. He was a neighbour of one of our earliest Chadstone families The Everests. he was so impressed by what the Club was trying to do for the community that he became our first trophy donor and remained a friend of Chadstone for many years.
The Vaille is our most prestigious tropy and is presented to the best Clubman
The Vaille is our most prestigious tropy and is presented to the best Clubman
John Vaille Cup for Best Clubman.
Inaugural recipient Greg Mills

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Chadstone Imps. Chadstone High School

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Gray, Ledwidge, Matthews, Lafsley, Fall, Wilson, Bracken, French, Gray, Doble, Jenkins, Wilkie, Tofliffe, Symonds, Raines

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Bill Gray (SNR)

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Robert Wilson, Gray, Bracken, Matthews, Mills, Bishop, Beswick, Bridges, Swinton, Symonds, Milne, Clough, Gould

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Minter, Matthews, Gould, Woodward, Symonds, Swinton, Bishop, Wilson, Hutchins, Clough, Chenowyth

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Letter to Mr Alan Everest from Bill Gray (Snr) thanking him and Peter for the donation of two trophies. Everest Cup
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